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Gang Wars - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Also I got to say Security already has a big advantage over the gangs, Gangs don't usually have access to any good stunning weapons, while security has the weapons and a well fortified position, It also seems Gangs are more interested in teaming up with Security and the heads of Staff then uniting with the other gangs to fight the bustas, I still think we need to encourage gangs that teaming up with other gangs could be helpful too.

Security is typically outnumbered, especially if they're poorly coordinated. Even with good weapons, 2-3 people swarming you and constantly trying to push you down will eventually succeed. Security itself might be "fortified" but having to stay cooped up in the sec office all round lest you get mobbed and murdered isn't fun.

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