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engine gas leak outside of cryo chambers in medbay?!
I was having extraordinary difficulty with the cold loop during my last round, all of the gas kept disappearing... I walked over to medbay some time later after going through 5 cannisters... to find it had leaked out into all of medbay, the visible concentrations by the cryo chambers!

I also was playing with the cryo chambers a couple rounds ago to experiment what was gasses were better at cooling... anyway that round I set the temperature to hotter with n2 in the port, the pressure climbed to 4000+ (usually it's at 2000 and drops since the temperature is set to decrease) and I noticed n2 started leaking for the far left corner of the cryo chamber!!

In this particular case, someone else set up the cryo for 203.15 and it ALL my damn cold loop gas has been going out into medbay, some idiot on extended mode threw welder in while I was in medbay, anyway here's a photo. When he threw the welder out the meter was reading 20,000+ kph.

I thought this was very peculiar when I was fiddling with the cryos a couple of days ago but dismissed it because I didn't know how to reproduce the issue, I am fairly certain that this could be replicated, it might have to do with the way I had the engine set up too, but something is definitely funky.

[Image: 2eycm4z.png]

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