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Changelings, and why they're just too damn powerful
OMJ Wrote:To be quite honest, good players can really be unstoppable lings. They're straight up unstoppable. Bad players however are very bad lings. Learning curve is pretty steep

I disagree out of all the antags I find Changeling to be the easiest even for new players who have a slight idea on what to do. Really what would help make the changeling better is giving the crew other ways of killing it. Most of the time I just see people stun the changeling and just have a borg (or if they have the RCD) trap it inside walls. Which makes the player who is the changeling trapped all round.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:I'm just gonna restate this.

BaneOfGiygas Wrote:In short: If you are designing a stealth-oriented antagonist type but it ends up being totally feasible and actually LIKELY for them to spend their entire round being unstealthy, acid-spitting, neuro-stinging, borderline unkillable rampagers, then there is a problem with the design.

I agree with this 100% for a antag designed to be a stealthy foe you are not punished at all for not being steathy. Changelings need to reworked and balance I believe most would agree with me on that. They should not be near unstoppable.

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