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Alien Diplomat - Wardrobe Malfunction
It was great being able to pick Alien Diplomat as a job, however there is an issue with the gear you spawn with in the arrivals shuttle; I spawned with a suit, id, backpack, shoes... everything but the backpack was on the floor. I was unable to put the suit on, which in turn made me unable to put my ID on my person, or use my belt slot. I ended up asking for someone to help put my suit and shoes on me, which after said and done resembled something of octodad, the sprites obviously didn't match up, but from the side it looked cool and it seemed to help me get shot at less. embarrasment

But the main issue I see here is, the inability to use the id slot and the belt slot as an Alien Diplomat for the reasons listed above. As we all know NPC aliens have all access, so I'm sure some kind of compromise/work around could be made here. smile

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