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What is creepy?
Dauntasa Wrote:the fundamental idea of removing things from the game because they allow weird/creepy behavior is entirely futile simply due to the number of things in this game are both important and long-standing features and also have the potential for unbelievable creepiness.

This is a great response to an argument that nobody made.

Firstly, nobody is advocating to remove Nipple Tweaking because it allows weird/creepy behaviour, Nipple Tweaking is something with sexual connotations that is coded into the game. Because of this, there is no need for a player to twist or manipulate the mechanic into something else for it to be creepy. Nobody's going to start hounding the admins to remove harm intent because sadomasochists exist, so please cut the whole slippery slope thing where everything fun is going to disappear overnight because Nipple Tweaking was removed. Secondly, this feature is neither important nor long-standing, so we can all rest easy knowing that the game is not going to be fundamentally changed because of the removal of Nipple Tweaking.

Dauntasa Wrote:I mean, shit, there were people arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to throw money at people because they do that in strip clubs.

Really? Either you're bullshitting us just to prove a point or someone is incredibly and terribly stupid. I would like to see this and possibly laugh at the person who said it, but until then I'll file it under "shit that didn't happen".

Sam Guivene Wrote:Creepiness is an overly broad category, a traitor who kills his victim and leaves a menacing note and/or photo of the scene would be quite creepy, but would probably be lauded by all, however, a traitor who strips, ties up, and ERPs with his victims would be creepy and banned for life. Now, with these two vastly different creepy scenarios and end results, why does this difference exist? The reason is because the creepy rule is shit as is. It was mainly intended to handle sexual creepiness as well as extraordinary social awkwardness, however has degenerated into all the other forms of creepiness that make this game great.

I truly and honestly fail to see how Nipple Tweaking is an example of extraordinary social awkwardness. Please elaborate on this, because you had posted something similar to this earlier and I was very puzzled w/r/t what you were talking about.

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