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Changelings, and why they're just too damn powerful
Iatots Wrote:The strenght of a changeling comes from people not caring.
When does sec cooperate efficiently? When do people start sweating after a husk has been found in maint? Why do people not care when their coworker disappears without a word and doesn't answer radio calls?
When does anybody even react anymore to someone crying for help on the radio?
There is a solo mentality going on, every man an island.
I agree that the instant knockout is a bit too much, and that neurotoxin making you severly impaired as opposed to dead is preferable, but 1v1 against a space horror by surprise, you should have no chance.
Ya, this is pretty much it, especially the sec part.

Are you trying to organize sec? Haha, fat chance. Unless you're the HoS/HoP/Captain and you've got a COMPETENT sec team you're not organizing shit. Quite frequently one of those 3 people will rope in outside help like doctors or staff assistants to help fight lings because of how unruly and uncoordinated security usually is. And even when you do have competent sec sometimes they carry the mentality that hunting down a ling is wrong.

Not to mention people will completely ignore somebody walking into a room completely fine, somebody walking next to them, them falling down, and then getting dragged away into a maint tunnel by the person next to them, or ignore the cries of help coming from the office next to them, not even bothering to look through a window and report it to sec.

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