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Un-nerfing thermals, with a twist.
Sundance Wrote:The reason I didn't suggest the heat signature thing was that I wasn't too sure whether it was shot down or not last thread, but if not I'll throw my support behind it, as I too thought it was pretty good idea at the time.

Quote:If we wanna get a little more complicated with it, body and air temperature should also affect it. As in, there are four visual levels: Cold, Room Temp, Warm, and Hot. Room temp would be the default color that everything shows up as. The average living person would be a bit above that and stick visually. Vampires who haven't eaten in awhile and corpses would cool down to Room Temp.

Tiles that are a different temperature from Room Temp would be colored the temperature to match it. So if a room was warm enough someone could run in there and have their heat blob blend into the tiles. Or they could cool down and appear room temperature for awhile.

To make this a little less complicated, you could just have it such that vampires, corpses or someone who has been exposed to very cold temperature would not be visable as a heat signature as they are too cold to see.

That...makes a lot more sense.

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