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What is creepy?
but why defend this because ~~then every thing possibly used for a creepy event will be maybe possibly be removed~~ or whatever?? this isn't really all that funny however you look at it??

how many people were pissed off because poo was removed for this reason, tbh? i'm sure a lot were.
"ugh now i cant shit on people, or shit on the floor and then throw it at people and/or forcefeed it to them? what the fuck are they gonna remove next, FARTING? strangling a MONKEY????"

why not have it replaced with something actually kind of amusing and not able to be used for weird sexual stuff? right now all it does is potentially make you feel weird for accidentally clicking yourself with the grab intent. what's the point? why defend this?? it could easily be replaced with something at least sort of funny, or with something that doesn't have some sort of sexual connotation.

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