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Fix the Doors
Walrus Wrote:
Ed Venture Wrote:Plus in chases the Ai won't be able to help you. Say you need to catch a changeling since the doors are so fast now the AI is going to have alot of trouble locking it down.

The whole "chases will be broken" thing does not make sense, and nobody ever bothers to explain why other than "Chases are ruined!!!". The speed of the doors opening doesn't affect whether the AI can bolt them. If the doors are open, they're open. If the changeling makes it to the door and hits it, the AI can't bolt it regardless of how fast/slow it's going to open after the fact. By far the biggest problem with AI's trying to lock someone down is shitty camera angles, not speed. The AI can bolt doors as fast as they can click on them, while the changeling has to move (slowly, in comparison to the AI's mouse) around the hallways/room.

pizzatiger Wrote:Why not have Slow doors at the start and the Ai can be given a station improvments research thingy that unlocks new stuff for the Ai to play with/general improvments for the station. Have Faster doors as an Improvment and then the Ai can then go around and start making the doors speed up(or re-slow them to help someone during a chase).

Giving the AI a command to increase/decrease door opening speed sounds like the most tedious and absurd thing to have control over, and as I've explained door speed has nothing to do with chases anyways. The AI research idea sounds pretty cool, and should be put into it's own suggestions thread, not shoehorned into one about something completely different.

pizzatiger Wrote:1-Make chases fun again

I love how the new doors have been in for a day and people are already complaining that chases have been ruined. How does a door opening marginally faster manage to throw a wrench in the elusive and complicated formula known as following someone? Explained in first paragraph.

pizzatiger Wrote:2-Gives the Ai an research screen that can open up more stuff the Ai can do other then shock,bolt and open doors(Research a synthetic human body for the Ai to enter or gravity control (Humans speed up and can carry larger objects like pipes or large artifacts with both hands in rooms where the AI has lowered gravity BUT the ai can turn off gravity altogether and force humans to travel like they are in space in rooms

No, the time-delay research for science/genetics only exists because there's no better solution other than giving them everything at the start and letting them go hog-wild. This also has nothing to do with doors.

pizzatiger Wrote:3-The Ai can help or hinder you in chase scenes. This adds a layer of unknown forcing you to treat the ai kindly or it will just watch instead of helping you when your escaping a killer axe man.

The AI can already help/hinder you in chases. They can just bolt the doors, stopping the axe murderer, rather than making the doors open slightly slower than usual.

I guess the research thing was dumb to add to this thread, I just wanted a way to make upgraded doors a thing you have to work/wait for (I will make a seperate thread for it though) BUT chases are more or less ruined in my opinion. To me the slow door opening and closing added a bit of strategy/timing to the chase. Do you keep on going foward and risk wating for the door to open or do you open the door and runs backward leaving the door for a second try and having it close on your attacker face. What the point of doors in hallways/past the initial ID locked set if doors baiscly don't effect anything now.

The giving the Ai the power to speed up or slow down doors was mostly to give the ai something more to do then....AI DOOR OPEN, AI BOLT DOOR, AI ELECTIFIED DOOR. Now it can effect the flow of the game! Give the AI and director lawset and have intense chase scenes where the Ai speeds or slow downs people to make it more fun for everyone to be apart of/watch

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