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Allow borgs to interact with buttons
Perhaps a minor issue and I have no idea if it's either incredibly simple or completely unfeasible code-wise but here it goes:
Allow borgs to interact with buttons, specifically the button stations located on the lava moon. Or make it possible to interact with the buttons by smashing them with some object or some specific object (since borgs can't normally open-hand objects).
Heres the backstory:
I was doing a little telescience exploring by myself on the lava moon and invited an (emagged) borg to join me. I had a GPS implant and the borg tracked me down pretty fast, just in time to save my sorry ass from crit. We were making some good progress on the two person minimum puzzlers when we came upon a certain puzzle that could only be overcome by two people interacting with two buttons separately. This essentially ended any forward progress we could make.
Borgs have enough general restrictions on behavior and interactions that it would be nice if out of the way objects such as alien button modules didn't present some oddly impossible interaction for a borg. I mean... it's a button. Just smashing the damn thing with a fire extinguisher should at least have an effect You Opened a Can of Worms

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