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Unknown - LLJK 4 - 11/13/2014 at approx 7:50 - 8:40pm UTC+10
Admin Name: Unknown, used stealth mode.
Server: LLJK 4
Time: approx. 7:50 to 8:40pm UTC + 10

Round starts off as normal until a very fast, noclipping Batman shows up. Said Batman's gimmick was apparently to run around and stare at people creepily, until he got attacked at which point he pulled out an infinite ammo AK-47 and started to mow down the person who attacked him. This escalated rather quickly, as Batman killed someone, people not involved tried to fight back and he proceeded to kill them as well. He killed about 10 or so people, some more than once. At no point in this process was he even remotely touchable, as he was invulnerable, immune to stuns and had infinite charge rocket boots as well as noclip. According to deadchat, this admin also taunted people them, saying "you mad?" and various other crap to people he killed. He didn't even try to make it fun or interesting, saying nothing I can recall throughout the entire round, even when he was called out.

Simply put, this wasn't an interesting, funny or entertaining gimmick. The admin basically ran around and killed people in a very boring way just for the hell of it, ruining people's rounds, and then rubbed it in even further after death, whilst being 100% untouchable and silent, like a stereotypical antag rampage but far worse. It wasnt fun for anybody, it was really rather shit.

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