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Replicants as an Antagonist
I-Sett Wrote:I agree, a new antagonist type would be great. I think the objective should be related to what a replicant is/does, in other words: make more of itself.
To avoid the Xeno-Problem it should spawn NPC mobs that look exactly like it that can be either benign (non-attacking unless attacked) or autattacking (much like golems). Maybe either free running or following and attacking anyone who assaults its creator much like a guardbuddy. it should require X-amount robo or human limbs a skull and a battery pack or something. Cue an army of gasmasked owl men. Just an idea.
Also: why's it gotta be my skull, I mean, damn. I'm just trying to keep the bar clean here...

That's mildly interesting.

Converting other players into replicants should be possible but it should be limited to only the AI and a few randomly designated people.

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