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The Clown Paradigm
Oh god, this is soooo true. One time I was the clown and I tripped a random staff assistant with a banana, made a banana related joke and honked a few times. What did the assistant do? Pull out a fire extinguisher, beat me unconscious, steal my mask, and then call me a shit clown for not being able to get it back from him while he was beating me some more when ever I tripped on my clown shoes. It's shit and not fun, at all. I didn't a-help it because I didn't really care THAT much, but still. The toxic attitude that so many have towards the clown is beyond irritating. When ever I'm the captain or HoP I usually try to help the clown out (all-access IDs, flashes etc). I mean he usually dies horribly no matter what I do but its the thought that counts. Please be nice to the clown. HONK smile

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