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Best moments ever thread 2.0
BaneOfGiygas Wrote:I was...not having a stellar shift as Captain. It started when a fellow challenged me to a boxing match with my spare ID as the prize. Since I didn't have anywhere else to be, I went along with it, only to get the crap nearly beaten out of me due to not realizing that, in space, there are no true referees, and then my spare ID nicked by some other fellow. When I told my challenger that he would have to wait for the spare ID, he attempted to mug me, and I then ran the hell away and tried to get him with the e-gun. He was a robust fellow, however, and while I did manage to escape, I was briefly painted as the bad guy of the situation. This, combined with an irate (but admittedly hilarious) Medical Director made grump levels start to rise, so I sat at the bridge and had some tea.

En route to medbay, I was penned by a passerby with initropidril. This made grump levels reach maximum capacity after I was cloned. Not too long afterwards, I was patroling medbay and found some asshole shooting up genetics, so I stunned, cuffed, and dragged him...only for him to turn into a monkey, swipe my e-gun, stun me, and treat himself to a DNA smoothie. I was dead, but luckily, I was able to shout out the name and true form of my attacker, the AI quickly responding with a quarantine. However, the changeling was able to duck into a room that the AI could not see. But then I remembered that one of our crew members had ghost-goggles on and was on a ghostbusting spree. Cue me luring him over into maintenance and where the changeling was hiding. A malevolent ruse at first glance, but since he had to chase the ghostbuster through the tunnels, a passing medical doctor saw after having absorbed the buster. A brief staredown commenced, followed by the changeling going shambler and breaking through the windows.

The ensuing battle in medbay was long and hard, but it eventually ended in victory, and the crew set to transfering thebrains of the husks into cyborg bodies. I unfortunately had to leave at this point, but not before giving a farewell speech on how I was glad to have exposed the changeling. Unlike many of my shifts as Captain, I felt like a hero. And that was pretty damn sweet.

If only it were an actual traitor and not a ling, I once had a round where I busted a traitor for emagging shit and had a drug boxing match with him to the death... Me, him, and two bistanders managed to die in that...

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