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Constructing AI Cores
Hate to be a killjoy, but we're getting incredibly off-topic here.

Anyways, being able to somehow sabotage a constructed AI core would be an interesting possibility, and would offer a more discreet method of AI subversion than breaking into the upload. However, given how gamechanging a rogue AI would be, this should have a very high telecrystal cost, if it's even a thing at all.

Other idea: Since the AI has the ability to remotely call a shuttle, installation of a Commaster disk might be a necessary component in construction. That on its own would block off any old wacko from building an AI, since most, if not all available Commaster disks require head-level access. The only thing bugging me is that giving such an important task and having it fall under the domain of the Roboticist, a relatively ordinary station position, seems rather...iffy. But at the same time, I dunno who else would be in charge of this.

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