01-05-2013, 12:35 PM
Here's an idea.
No more special items for spy's. not even a signal jammer.
To me this is what spy mode sounds like. eavesdropping on conversations, assassinating one person, stealing top secret nanotrasen plasma machine prototypes and stealing some sensitive NT archive data ( like the accidental destruction of china) or subverting the AI.
To me the spy mode is a great way to expand the silly story of SS13. i find that the story of Syndicates VS NT is actually really cool and i'd like to see some kind of mode where you aren't in some stupid deathmatch with other syndicate officers just because.
THAT said please re label the current spy mode gang wars and remove all syndicate equipment and implanters, have it based solely on trust/ loyalty and your brutality and tenacity.
And for the love of god no more Emags. :ugeek:
No more special items for spy's. not even a signal jammer.
To me this is what spy mode sounds like. eavesdropping on conversations, assassinating one person, stealing top secret nanotrasen plasma machine prototypes and stealing some sensitive NT archive data ( like the accidental destruction of china) or subverting the AI.
To me the spy mode is a great way to expand the silly story of SS13. i find that the story of Syndicates VS NT is actually really cool and i'd like to see some kind of mode where you aren't in some stupid deathmatch with other syndicate officers just because.
THAT said please re label the current spy mode gang wars and remove all syndicate equipment and implanters, have it based solely on trust/ loyalty and your brutality and tenacity.
And for the love of god no more Emags. :ugeek: