01-05-2013, 11:39 AM
Weavel Wrote:Honestly I really don't like it at all. I've been a leader three times in three completely different situations, and a subordinate once, and it hasn't been enjoyable. It seems to be that gangs either do utterly nothing but stay in one place, or the opposite happens where everyone just murders everyone else on sight. Even when it's organized, it's just systematic killing.But..... that's what makes it fun! But really, he has pointed out some flaws there.
There's also the massive glaring problem of Station Super Hero where someone decides they're going to fight EVERYONE, killing anybody in gang clothing regardless of their actual stance as a gang member or not. This is really especially shit given that people have known for the last while that Gang's being tested; Sec teams and random fuckwits are just charging into places wherever they want and murdering people as best they can because there's bound to be a gang there. It's especially frustrating with regards to the AI, who can just bolt whoever he wants wherever he wants forever because they're in a gang. Along with that, there are places with such amazing advantages (read: Mining) that you just really can't win against them.
Honestly I think it needs an absolute massive set of changes to be viable as something that people would enjoy coming up as a real mode. It's an excuse for Shit McFartpubbie to sprint around spraying Dans at anyone in pink jumpsuits, and for Bobby Captain to laser anyone who talks to him. There's no actual Gang Warfare; no uneasy truces, no turf-wars or whatever, it's just a straight up murderfest with no rules.
I have really no ideas I could give towards fixing it to be honest. I can't see how a mindslave-less murderfest is ever going to survive with the amount of shitty play that goes on with it. I'd love to see it actually working but for now I am really not a fan.