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Horde mode for VR
Maybe successfully completing other game events, like doing all your wizard objectives, or beating a telescience area, could unlock some vr horde roles.

Maybe some joke hidden roles like:

Clown: Who keeps adding clowns to our VR simulations? Honk (possible achievement for someone who wins while playing as a clown)

Mage: Sorta like the wizard but not a jerk, his/her robes don't protect very well, but their magic is both offensive and defensive, giving the player the ability to spawn forcefields and shoot fireballs in a direction, as well as unlock new spells as the horde progresses in true nerd fashion.

Admin Gimmick only( Martian Ambassador: Armed with martians and a desire for conquest, this player's sole purpose is to spawn minions in their defense and carry a laser, they are incredibly low on health and if they die any remaining martians turn hostile against remaining players)

George the dog: This role is armed with teeth, and a intense dislike of cats. Players get a bonus if george survives the end of the hordes. Basically a VIP.

Chainsaw Enthusiast: No one knows why anyone would work with a person with two chainsaw arms, but their sole talent is swinging their chainsaws wildly in combat and it seems rather effective.

drug addict: armed with lots of drugs, alcohol, and a razer blade, they have a drug dealer who can occasionally drop off a crate of drugs and alcohol. Good for increasing stamina and getting some broken bottles for self defense, except when they're on the floor suffering from withdrawl.

Some of these ideas might be awful because I tried to think of things that would be everything between overpowered and under powered in terms of "you have to unlock this yourself"

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