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A Robot's Guide to the Chain of Command
Will NOT going through the order harm humans? --> Yes --> Don't do it

Re-checking law 1:
You may not injure a human being or cause one to come to harm, not the old law of through action inaction. Unfortunately for the flow chart, it's a little grey-er than just --> Yes --> Don't do it. Like obviously if someone is in a compressed room and tells the ai to open or he'll die the ai responds and says "no" then he's an ass and disobeyed law 1. But wasn't the whole reason the inaction/action part was removed because it complicated things too much? Like if the AI missed what the person was saying, then he shouldn't be held accounted for it, unless doing it repeatedly and it is obvious he is. So I don't particularly agree with that part of it, it could be reworded.

I also agree with klayboxxes points. As AI I always let someone in to an area regardless of their ID, you just have to use your head. Is the area secure like the bridge/sec/head room other otherwise where the player may be a bother? Does the person have nefarious reasons for entering? Is the person just being rude?
Like if a clown wanted to enter botany and the captain said no, then i'd tell the captain to go fuck himself because he was being rude and then I would stop listening to the captain and his hitler orders, only sticking to law 1.

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