01-05-2013, 06:23 AM
Siaru Wrote:One thing that I did notice in the Gang rounds I saw/played, is that Scientists are amazing. Whoever has control over the Research Wing and has been recruiting there get's a huge advantage from bombs and chems. Of course other areas like QM have advantages like guns, but, being able to in a moment wipe out an entire gang can be rather annoying, albeit intended I'm sure.
I was one of the leaders in one of the gang-war tests. Unfortunately my connection died midway, but I was set up in Toxins while a whole other gang was in the Artifact Lab. Even just between the two of us, there was infighting and shit going on; science is just as likely to kill themselves in a feud than anyone else, especially given that there's no mindslave-grade loyalty.
A Botanist Leader who has a rogue gang member might get chainsawed in the face, but it's far easier to survive than the Scientist rogue who opens the valve.