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Gang Wars - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
My take on gang wars was to not divide people at all. The leaders get a crate of costumes and a home turf of their choosing, plus a random name like LOS GRUMPOS or the WEIRD G's. No syndicate radio.

Recruitment is done in-person, if you can convince someone to join your gang, cool. Entirely voluntary, no mindslaves. If they don't like your leadership, they can just fuck off like a busta. This tends to boil down to people joining whichever gang asks them first, but there've been some good betrayals and people waiting to see which gang offers the best hats.

In some of the tests so far, neat things have happened jazz gang laying low the whole round and murdering every other gangster at the very end, the Owl gang sending a lieutenant out pretending to be the leader, trying to set up a peace conference with the other gangs just to out their leaders, and other clever stuff with grunts doing all the recruiting trying to lure in the neutrals who are upset at the mean gangs for rampaging in the hallways.

In one of those rounds the leader of the BUZZSAWS tried to recruit most of the doctors to his team, failed, got really sad and just made a big cache of medical supplies and sold it off to whichever other gangs would grant him amnesty. He ended up being one of the last two leaders alive that round.

Most people seem to love the idea so far, a few absolutely hated it, welp.
Things like this definitely run a lot rougher when random leaders are picked by the game instead of me hand-picking the leaders, but hopefully Kay and I can work out the bugs and polish it up a bit.

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