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Best moments ever thread 2.0
I was the AI on LLJK 4, and I got hit with two ion storms over the course of the round. One replaced Law 2 and told me to communicate only in lies, upon which I started shouting out absolute nonsense. The second one replaced Law 3 and stated that the station was behind on its bills and that I was instructed with repossessing the crew's possessions. This law overrode all others.

Oil and motherfucking water, right here.

I started screeching about needing the cloner pod, and that failing to comply with repossession was grounds for immediate termination. Only I didn't need the cloner pod, and failure to comply was grounds for repossessing the Genetics power, followed by the power of the entire research wing. From here, I went fucking ballistic, yelling about needing something or other but saying that I actually needed something else later on (items included the engine, the head of the captain, the left leg of the HoS, and so on) and wrecking the APCs as "incentive". Eventually, my fractured AI chip determined that it needed to repossess itself, and so I committed suicide two minutes before the shuttle arrived.

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