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Spy mode - Official Discussion Thread (Wonk)
I have chatted with Cogwerks and many other players in deadchat about our ideas for spy.

We all came to the agreement that the uplink as it is needs to change; e-swords, cloaks and revolvers are already removed, and at very least we agreed that the e-mag should too. The more favoured idea was to either remove the uplink completely, or give spies a special 'spy mode only' list of items to spawn.

In our heads we imagined seeing small groups of spies duking it out for supremacy, normally in private, currently we have groups of spies who will rather focus on and murder innocent bystanders 'becuase they can' ala Rev.

There is barely any stealth. Just yesterday a spy round was ruined when 2/3 of the masters got caught and beaten down by their syndicate daggers because they either implanted in public or immediately went on civilian murder rampages. The only time i ever saw stealth or ingenuity is when i instructed all of my spies to gather information about the other groups first; one used the packet sniffer to listen in on rival spymasters and identify them.

Loyalty implants should remove mindslave conditions, but wouldn't work on a master. Then security would have some other method than beating suspected spies to death in the hall/security

Spy leaders should be either immune or very resistant to mindslave implants.

My final and kinda far out idea involves the implanting system itself. My idea is a new implanter that gives the subject no idea or message they have been implanted or are a spy, until the spymaster either says a phrase (how would this work?) or presses a option on their HUD that 'activates' the implant making the person they implanted their slave.

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