Mentor Application - Velisan
Usual Character Name:
I'll usually be Lillian Rivers, or M.A.G. as the AI.

BYOND Username:

Recommended by (if applicable):
TheTrixRabitt, UrsulaMajor, a couple of others who I forget (I blame you for telling me to do this when it was 2AM).

Times Available:
I try and be on most days in the afternoon, and sometimes much later, into the night. Whenever I can manage to get a few rounds in, really. Who needs sleep anyway?

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
I've been playing on goonstation for a while now I think, but only really started getting into it around March or so last year. No longer am I a doe-eyed spectator, but instead I've gotten to really know all the little systems and picked up a few cool tricks. Things like packets and signal hacking are still just a bit too much, but pretty much everything else is down pat. Setting up the engine, finding and making chems, building things, making sure people don't die a horribly painful death, etc.. I also really enjoy finding new things and different ways to do things I already know, so I try experimenting with everything that I reasonably can. Ease of use is the way to go, and it's always good to be spoiled for choice. When it comes to other people, I might come off a little abrasive, but when it comes down to it, I'm not really that bad, I swear. I honestly like helping people out, especially when they're new and still very overawed with all of the mechanics of the game. I'm hoping that I can give them a bit of a boost, and make sure they get adjusted to everything. It's great to see them handling things on their own later on, and thinking, hey, I remember that guy, he didn't know how to work a backpack earlier! It's also pretty cool when you're respected for those little things you helped someone out with some time ago. I know that I wouldn't know nearly as much as I do if I hadn't gotten other cool people to lend me a hand, and I want to be one of the official helping hands of the station.
And maybe now you guys'll stop bugging me

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
Nope, none.

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