10-10-2014, 01:23 AM
It's kind of silly that a wall can withstand temperatures 11 times higher than the surface of the sun but a simple welder can poke a hole in it. Ideally when it starts getting really hot walls will glow, and then start to melt. Along with anything else meltable nearby.
The wall suddenly melts into a puddle of molten metal!
FUCK! You're covered in molten steel!
Pubbie McChucklefuck screams!
Pubbie McChucklefuck burns away into ashes!
Also on a related note, it'd be kind of neat if sufficiently high temperatures would start heating things in your inventory (like your oxygen tank! or mabye that beaker in your pocket!)
The wall suddenly melts into a puddle of molten metal!
FUCK! You're covered in molten steel!
Pubbie McChucklefuck screams!
Pubbie McChucklefuck burns away into ashes!
Also on a related note, it'd be kind of neat if sufficiently high temperatures would start heating things in your inventory (like your oxygen tank! or mabye that beaker in your pocket!)