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[Nuclear Emergency]
Zafhset Wrote:This might increase the chance of the captain accidentally discovering it's nuke though, since he/she might leave the station z-level for any random occurrence and prompt a disc respawn.

That's another thing about nuke rounds that leaves them running <10 minutes. The disk seemingly randomly teleports around, regardless of whether the captain left the z-level. The round before the one mentioned in the OP had the captain completely confused, he hadn't left the z-level after he stuck the disk in his box at round start. Some guys were saying in OOC after the round that teleporting within a z-level, or even going into a locker/disposal chute will respawn the disk in a hallway somewhere.

If this is true, why isn't it documented somewhere, and if it isn't true, why is the disk seemingly respawning/teleporting/cloning itself everywhere? I have definitely have it happen to me as a captain where I had the disk in my pocket and the syndies won the round by nuking the station, along with many times of finding a disk in a maintenance hallway and the station/captain being utterly confused after they lose.

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