01-02-2013, 05:34 PM
Hold on, hate to double post but I think I might remember that round. I was forced into detective. I went into the courtroom and did a custom emote saying, "Sir Grodus flips you off" and then you went berserk and tried to arrest and demote me, I might have shot you and or other security officers in self defense I'm not sure. Pretty sure it was you talking about me disrespecting you and how I don't deserve to be detective, then you eventually got me, buckle cuffed me and force fed me BoJacks until I died. If this isn't the round you're referring to then sorry. However if this was you that is a definite no.
That is the only time I've ever actually been demoted as anything other than a traitor.
That is the only time I've ever actually been demoted as anything other than a traitor.