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New genetics mutations
Triel Wrote:(this one is pretty stupid but i felt like it needs some joke)Lazor-Fire a laser from mouth shouting 'Imma firin ma lazor!'

Okay I'm going to overlook how hideously stupid that makes you sound and focus on something more logical to shoot this idea down with: eye-beams already exist as a mutation.

As for fire manipulation, self-immolation and fire resistance already exist.

What I think you're missing here is that the vast majority of genetics mutations are largely useless, and that's one of the only reasons they're allowed to continue existing in the first place. Basically, almost all of these with some exceptions sound like combat buffs that don't really have counters. Genetics REALLY doesn't need more of those. Fire resistance alone already makes you obnoxiously invincible against lasers as it is.

The lizardman mutation, maybe. That might take something special away from the chef, though, so I'm on the fence about that. Also, the micro mutation sounds less like something that should be "for a while" and be more of an extreme version of the dwarf mutation. Mutations that change what you are don't tend to be "for a while" type deals.

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