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Best moments ever thread 2.0
I was an RD, stumbled on piles of money laying around.

Took some money, ended up stranded on the feint zlevel, and proceeded to buy an injector belt, and a oxygen medkit and filled a wasted strange reagent container (I had enough money to not care) full of oxygen pills from that one vendor.

Stuck the beaker on the injector belt and floated my way to diner, almost dying several times while wearing the nasa suit and using the belt as a emergency oxygen.

CPR'd myself to life at diner, only to decide to improvise using my last beaker of strange reagent when I got back to the station.

Died anyway but because I was smart and filled an injector belt with my last beaker of strange reagent (set to inject 10 units when I died) I was instantly revived I then escaped only to be murdered and presumably revived with 3 lives left at the end of the round. assuming I didn't explode after the game disconnected.

the short version is that I'm pretty sure stupidly large amounts of money will allow you to cheat death.

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