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Best moments ever thread 2.0
Spawned in as a traitor geneticist with the mission of killing the barkeep, a roboticist, and the chaplain. I also had to die a glorious death.

I spawned mind slaves, and gave myself Powers. Heat resist, SMES, telepethy.

I ran around as a flaming electric telepathis (wraith) person who would implant random passing people with genetic defects.

I implanted the roboticist with a mind slave and ordered him to go robust people with a fire extinguisher.
I did the same with the chaplain.
I couldn't find the barkeep, so I implanted the HoS and order him to arrest all crimers ("everything is crime").

I found the roboticist hadn't obeyed my order after nearly 20 minutes, so i ripped out his implant (and heart) and used it to re-implant the HoS.

Later on, there was a jerk with a rocket pod blowing everything up.

As me and the HoS are going to go engage in GLORIOUS combat with the rocket pod, we stumble upon the chaplain, who had faithfully carried out his order until his implant had run out, now garbed in the captains fancy gear and lots of loot.

He volunteered to join us on our suicide mission against a rocket pod, armed with only a fire extinguisher and space gear, while the HoS and I were in miniputts.
We engaged in GLORIOUS combat with the rocket pod. Jean Luke, the Chaplain, dealt the final blow to the pilot of the rocket pod as it exploded in flames. We all somehow survived.

The escape shuttle had arrived. Jean and Osiris, the HoS, were no longer mind-slaved. Jean had but one arm and one leg, Osiris was near dead from space exposure. I alive and well with micro-bombs (stolen) in my chest. I began to slap myself between them. WHEN SUDDENLY! Anther bad guy pulls an e-sword and stands on me as i fall into crit. He smacks me once and I explode. Sending his, and my gibs everywhere.

Jean luke and Osiris survive this too, and live to see Nanotransen another day.

Oh yeah the barkeep got murdered along the way in some 6 man gun fight with borgs and explosions and me being a telepathic flaming hulk somewhere along the way.

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