09-18-2014, 11:14 AM
- Try to keep critique productive. That doesn't mean you can't call people out if a style doesn't fit SS13, just try to focus on the art instead of the person. Same goes for disagreeing with critique.
- If you can't take critique, don't expect your sprites to get used. First drafts are not a waste of time and unused sprites are still good experience for improving as an asset artist. Nobody wants to work with artists who can't collaborate reasonably.
- Everyone who works on the game has probably blown full days or even weeks on things that don't actually end up in the game. Just investing time into something doesn't automatically mean it was the right approach.
- Keep egos and ~forum cred~ the fuck out of here, goddamn.
- Please try to keep a consistent theme with Supernorn's art style. Base your aesthetics on SS13, not other games, or it'll look like a mess no matter how much work you put in.
- YES, there are a lot of old ripped assets still in the game. These are slowly being phased out.