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Port-a-med minor (but actually major) fix
Something that was brought up in Haine's feedback thread about the actual use of the port-a-med is that it doesn't actually really help with much as
A) The patient is more than likely dead by the time you get back to medical to treat him
B) The patients didn't require an evac, and thus is pretty mad that he's a significant distant away from where he was, when he could've been just treated there.

What would make a port-a-med SOOOOO much more useful is that it will work like a shitty medbot when the patient is inside, stabilizing the patient with various medicines. When I say shitty, I mean it does not inject as fast as a medbot, instead 5u over some longer intervals. This minor change improves the port-a-med in two major ways
A) It can be used as a portable medbot, in which you can treat two people away from med-bay simultaneously, one being stabalized inside the port-a-med while you treat the other.
B) It fixes the first issue raised that if a player is in serious condition and needs better meds than you have at that time/ or surgery you can use it to evac the injured party without worrying about him being a corpse by the time you get back.

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