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Control Unit is broken

Disclaimer: I am assuming that this is a bug, but I may be wrong. If that is the case - please correct me (it's kind of hard to find out how it should work, as most people don't really know what it is).

I've tried using the Control Unit but is seems to be a bit wonky. Once you examine the beast, you get a handy block of information. But there are some discrepancies. Here's what I've found:
  • It says that you can use one of 8 inputs, yet when you wire the beast you get only 1-7 to choose from. (It should be 0-7)
    The same goes for outputs - once you try wiring something out of the Control Unit you don't have a choice of what output you are using - you only get the default input
    The two commands I failed to understand are IEN and OEN. They seem to be auxiliary registers. If so, do they serve any purpose (or are they just simple extra slots for holding information?) This could be clarified in the information thingy that pops up when examining.

Overall this seems like a really fun contraption, but I just wish it would work.


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