09-13-2014, 12:59 PM
Frank_Stein Wrote:atomic1fire Wrote:What kind of space station needs hammers, unless you plan on doing some fancy space carpentry.Considering all the silly things already on the station, a wood shop would be kind of fun. Get wood logs from cutting trees in botany. Cut them into boards using a table saw. Use tools on the boards to make them into: barricades, fancy hardwood floor tiles, wooden chairs and tables, crates, coffins, stakes for vampires, birdhouses for bees and owls, trains and toys for christmas, wooden clogs that make clomp noises when you walk in them.
Or tie people to logs and send them slowly down the table saw.
The Woodcraft Department would go at least two days without an accidental limb removal, probably.
What purpose does the woodcraft department serve on a space station? Fine carved goods, limb removals, and sawdust everywhere. Cut wood to convert it into pellets for the engine stove or furniture for the station. Convert it into paper with the materials system, or make woodchip tiles that act like broken glass shards but are actually flammable floor tiles. Relive childhood memories of stepping on wood chips at the park without shoes.