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Make the Obsidian Crown disable all healing
shadowdimentio Wrote:Out of my severely underwhelming repertoire of experience with the crown, I don't think it actually reduces stun times from slipping, only from tasers/shotguns and such, which makes sense because literally bulletproof.

If the crown actually DOES reduce stun times across the fucking board, INCLUDING from slipping/door electrification, I vote that the stun reduction in all areas that aren't bullet/melee induced be completely removed for the sake of balancing.

Hell, maybe ALL the crown's stun resistances could be moved over to the rune armor so that it'd be slightly less shit, and giving people more of a reason to wear both at once besides bragging rights.

Splitting the difference between the armor and the crown sounds like a pretty good idea actually. You might technically be able to survive but it's not damn likely. It's important for there to be an element of risk to it.

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