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Nerdy games
Have I mentioned Space Engineers in this thread yet? It feels very SS13-in-3d. You are faceless spacemen building things and blowing things up and mining things. The only thing missing is the ability to fart.

Also Metal Slug X is gonna be on steam again in October. I know goonstation has at least a couple Metal Slug fans because our martians are based off of the series and there's an explosion animation in the game ripped straight out of it. It's going for like 6 bucks preorder as of this post.

Also, for fans of playing detective and being awful at it, there' Noir Syndrome, which is kind of a randomized detective... thing. Cheap, 2d, but kinda neat. Gets points from me because you can be a lady detective, though it's an entirely aesthetic change.

There's also Stranded, which is another cheap one, you're an astronaut stranded on an alien planet, you basically just walk around, but it looks pretty and it's got neat music and it doesn't make a lot of sense but it takes like an hour to play. So if you're into that.

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