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"Alchemical" transmutation sciencey stuff
1. An industrial machine is fine, but working with old timey alambics, mortar and pestle and whatnot in a dirty closet can be fun too I suppose. Yet, it is better if we make it so that is relevant to the space station theme (by this, I mean let's not use old majik grimoires, getting an old wooden table full of strange apparatus covered in cobwebs is okay). (see 4) Also, having to use incantations (and thus having to expand your knowledge base) can be fun. Aspecially if some kind of minigame is involved with their discovery.

2. This implies that the smelter will be relocated in or near mining with some kind of access restriction, but I believe that placing the alchemical work area next to the smelter is better. Although I would be cool if it was relocated in some dark little room at the most crooked parts of the maintenance tunnels. The main concern is that workflow between mining, the smelter and the alchemical workplace should not be tedious.

3 and 4. I just remembered about the biodome "reward" and heck, making it work with strange arcane and powerful stuff can be great, but I believe that such darker and magical things should be the most difficult and secret things to achieve. Not sure if it's good to talk about what the biodome alchemical circle does here, but as I just said, doing such things and obtaining the same *wink* reward *wink* should eventually be very difficult and secret.

Though, it would be better off if it didn't work exactly the same way as in the biodome, since this will be in pair with the smelter mechanics, but heck, a compromise can be found.

5. I would not go as far as unleashing hordes of angry mobs, but things like curses, semi-permanent body horror, and yes, total ruinage of your materials, can be fun and not too punishing side effects. Of course, failing to perform the most arcane and obscure acts should end up in more severe horrible stuff happening.

Also, maybe it can be made so that attaining the most interesting stuff with the alchemical system can be very dangerous if a wizard gets their hands on it. In any case, let's have it so that wizards are linked to this. Also maybe link this to the new wraith gamemode ? who knows

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