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Buttes' dumb ideas
Give wizards stuff to buy with collected butts. Make it so rathen's secret is even more useful than it already is.

Purchasable butt items:

1 butt: butt sandals that fart when you walk
5 butts: a buttlerbot that dispenses mugwort tea periodically
10 butts: a magibutt (miniputt) that shoots butts, it's basically a reskinned syndie putt.
15 butts: a tome of super fart: grants you the super fart mutation, but with 1/3 the normal cooldown.
20 butts: favor of the fart gods: lets you summon a spectral emission event with a 5 minute cool down.

Note, the price in butts is per each, and butts are consumed when used to purchase something.

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