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More roboticist constructions (brains+things=weird things!)
Sundance Wrote:Aside from being able to create existing bots, roboticist should have a new toy that allows him to attach brains to stuff frankenstein style
I proposed a brain-vat thing some time ago.

Empty brainvat
[Image: qd6iGrY.png][Image: NAypRrn.png]
Active brainvat
[Image: 7hNKCat.gif][Image: 5JbMwrj.gif]
Inactive brainvat
[Image: bB73tka.gif][Image: fwDSFt2.gif]

Fun with brainvats!
Slap a brain in it to see if it's owner is braindead or not.. Laugh as the brain audibly expresses their disgust! Slap several brains in several brainvats to keep yourself company while you work.. Laugh as the brains audibly tell you to hurry up with their cyborg body!
Out of cyborg bodys and genetics is borked? Attach a brain into a brainvat and bring it to the escape shuttle so you don't feel so guilty!
Welder and wrench a brainvat to various critters! Jones the cat with a big embalmed glass jar on wrenched cruelly on his head! Guaranteed hilarity! Not guaranteed total control over critter! Possible insanity may occur!
Are you animal activist and disagree with the above statement? Well look no further! As brainvats can be attached to dead debrained human bodies if you are able to send a current through it! Instant revival! Instant incurable retardation!

I want to be frankendigo

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