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Butt stuff
Why Don't we just expand on butts as a whole.

Make a new type of metal only smelt-able by placing 2 butts in a arc smelter, and what ever it's made out of will fart when it's hit, or used.

Image Butt Bullets that repeatedly Fart in a person's chest, until it is remove. Farting Floor tiles/walls/pods. The things that could fart are limitless.

A Whole new Tele location Know as Assville, inhabited by deadly, and territorial butts, that once knock you down, gib you and turns your butt into a NPC one of them.

A new type of hidden chem/plague Buttgib-itis Which depending on the dose, will after a set amount of time, make you fart Soo hard you GIB in a Super fart that Rips your ass off, and spreads it to anyone nearby making more living Fart Bombs.

The Possibility for more butt/fart related stuff is huge.

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