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What is creepy?
Let me preface this by saying that the way that the "creepy rule" is being employed currently is absolutely perfect, and is the reason I keep playing this game, because the community that has spawned has amalgamated the humour of many, while leaving out the grimy and oft over-the-line humour that is usually associated with "dick jokes" and the like.

That being said, I think the issue with the rule is not it's content, but rather it's wording. Currently it's extremely vague, and I feel as though it can be taken the wrong way. What I think it means could be something drastically different from what someone else believes it means, as is the reason this thread is even here.

What I feel is important about the "creepy rule" is that it prevents sexual jokes, over-the-line humour where things are either too long or too odd to be funny any longer, and generally the fact that it creates a bar for the people of the servers, wherein they try to act like somewhat civil and tolerable people rather than complete degenerates. I don't necessarily think that these things are "creepy" per se, but I do agree that they don't belong here. In the end the wording is off, and while I can't come up with much of a better one, I feel like maybe expressing what the rule is currently preventing and doing well might aid in it's possible revision.

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