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What is creepy?
Yeah i tossed in stop hitting yourself because I wanted to add SOMETHING there, and that amused me too much not to include it. Hell, if not for the horrible things it's bookended by, i'd count that toward the hilarity clause if it still existed.

My greater point here is that CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING. This was perhaps a bit too much exaggeration to prove a point, but what I was going for was that it only takes some fairly minor changes to turn something from acceptable to unacceptable. It's interesting that you mentioned an ERP component to the needle-licking, when that hadn't occurred to me at all - which supports my point that it's something of a moving target. What's creepy to one person isn't to another, and there's where this comes off the rails, and the heart of this discussion. How would you like an admin to handle a case where Eddie points at something and says 'that's creepy' and Frances points at it and says 'that's totally not'?

This is an honest question, I'm not being sarcastic or anything here. I am genuinely interested in people's opinions on how this should be handled, since this seems to be a point of occasional friction.

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