12-29-2012, 02:30 AM
Doesn't this apply to the don't be a creep clause.
Pasting goatse all over the forums, cake or not is pretty gross, given that if somebody mentioned it in game, even ironically,they would probably be banned because it's pretty awful.
Also the site itself could be considered an internet meme given how infamous it is, so it's pretty rule breaking even for an admin (though Goons admins may disagree with me on that if they choose)
Pasting goatse all over the forums, cake or not is pretty gross, given that if somebody mentioned it in game, even ironically,they would probably be banned because it's pretty awful.
Also the site itself could be considered an internet meme given how infamous it is, so it's pretty rule breaking even for an admin (though Goons admins may disagree with me on that if they choose)