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What is creepy?
I expected to be called out on that example! I included it specifically as something that could be COMPLETELY NORMAL or WHOA HOLY CRAP CREEPY depending entirely on context. It could be something as minor as a couple lines in chat that rocket it from normal to weird. THREAD CHALLENGE: Construct a scenario in which a kidnapping would be PERFECTLY OKAY by your standards, and turn that scenario into something creepy by changing as little as possible. One or two of these should illustrate my point that 'creepy is a moving target' and 'context is everything'. I'll begin!


Alice shoots Bob with a tranq dart. When Bob wakes up, he's lashed to a chair in a dark room somewhere with a couple dead bodies around, and Alice is laughing. She tells him that he can't escape, that he's going to die here, and starts hollering on the radio that unless Jones The Cat is taken safely to the owlry and arrives unharmed, she's going to mail pieces of Bob to various parts of the station, starting with beakers of blood, going through the limbs, then ending with his brain. Nobody responds to the demands, so she extracts some blood, mails that to Chemistry, hacks off his limbs and mails those to the Bridge, and finally mails his brain to the kitchen.


Alice shoots Bob with a tranq dart. When Bob wakes up, he's lashed to a chair in a dark room somewhere with a couple dead bodies around, and Alice is laughing. She tells him that he can't escape, that he's going to die here, and starts hollering on the radio that unless Jones The Cat is taken safely to the owlry and arrives unharmed, she's going to mail pieces of Bob to various parts of the station, starting with beakers of blood, going through the limbs, then ending with his brain. Nobody responds to the demands, so she extracts some blood, *laughs afterward and does a custom emote about licking the needle afterward,then mails that to Chemistry, hacks off his limbs, does a custom emote about slapping him with his own severed arm and hollering STOP HITTING YOURSELF and mails those to the Bridge, and finally mails his brain to the kitchen after doing a custom emote about licking it clean.

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