08-21-2014, 06:47 PM
Played as a traitor scientist last round on #4, decided to try out an incredibly obvious, but also incredibly lethal sleepy pen mix. Apparently the mix was so obvious, none of the 8? people I penned with it even screamed for help on the radio! woah, also I filled a spray bottle with some lethal crap, mindslaved Zhar who killed about 6 people with it and then slew the whole escape shuttle with a new one before dying to a rather zealous securityman
The highlight of the round, however, was my rather poorly thought out attempt at mindslaving the HoS. Thinking "heh, if I come around from the side, he won't see me!!! " forgetting that the guy has thermals. Whoops!!! I thought it was game over but I *just* managed to recover from the stun before he began to cuff me, allowing me to *wink, get my derringer out and blow him away. That was a damn close call, and after throwing him out the old arrivals airlock I began my poison spree. A gut round!
The highlight of the round, however, was my rather poorly thought out attempt at mindslaving the HoS. Thinking "heh, if I come around from the side, he won't see me!!! " forgetting that the guy has thermals. Whoops!!! I thought it was game over but I *just* managed to recover from the stun before he began to cuff me, allowing me to *wink, get my derringer out and blow him away. That was a damn close call, and after throwing him out the old arrivals airlock I began my poison spree. A gut round!