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Workplace Catastophies
- Allow for a minute(like, less than the odds of being zombified the currently "normal" way) chance that if dead, in a coffin, in space, without embalming fluid/holy water in system, that the corpse may return to undeath as a player controlled zombie. Mining sure would be in for a shock when visiting the outpost... That said, this is probably a terrible idea because being a zombie in space sucks.

- SA's having a chance of unscrewing doors when opening them. know...they break everything anyway...

- Allow the chef's gibber to gib monkeys for more meat than what they could get from the meat spike. Add a warning label that reads "WARNING: Do not add monkeys" or something when examined. Allow for a chance that the gibber will awaken when fed a monkey and become a gibber-mimic (similar to toolbox mimics except this one is their big fucking brother and should behave like a shark [knock down on collision followed by gib]).

I like the rolling 6 3 times rough idea for the d20 too.

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