12-28-2012, 09:58 AM
Val Wrote:Detective borg modYeah my initial reaction is that a borg shouldn't have a flash. Thinking about it, though, it might be interesting in tandem with the fact that the cyborg doesn't have a good way to beat someone to death or keep them subdued (cuffs). It'd be interesting to see how it would go as written, I think.
Also, the thermals are pretty buggy on borgs right now so I wouldn't prefer that to be the starting upgrade. Ideally it would be an Operational Upgrade so you could recover from a stun that a suspect has inflicted upon you, but those are pretty badass powerful so a Speed Upgrade might be a good compromise.
Quote:Cargo borg modBy Destination Tagger, do you mean a Cargo Transporter? Because if you don't this needs one, full stop. Beyond that I've long thought that we need a QM-style cyborg since Quartermasters are so useful to the station but the human ones leave quite a bit to be desired.
Also, Speed Upgrade would probably be a bit superfluous due to how many tools you have to do leg work for you. The clamps are useful for priority deliveries, but you should be doing so few of those that being a little slow shouldn't matter. I'd probably go with an Efficiency Upgrade, this module will have a lot of tools out at once and its usual haunt is far away from Robotics.