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Virtual Reality Toxins
it probably is not what we consider metagaming in the ss13 community but it is the proper definition of this word : using knowledge outside of the game to influence the game itself : if you know that a certain item is restricted to traitors but your character does not actually know that it is (such as a cloaking device, who knows, it might be a special sciency thing ?, but if you're the captain or security, you might be aware that such things are syndicate technology), you're actively using knowledge you gained outside the game (from previous rounds, from the wiki, from hearsay) in order to make decisions inside it (bash that filthy flickering basterd's head in)

but I guess we rather call the enforcement of such rules dumb rp instead of flatout metagaming prevention and I am of course not implying that doing it so lightly should be punished

On the other hand, shooting down this idea because it might introduce the fact that toxins is only used by traitors is wrong because acting on the sole information that lawful people would only make virtual bombs to not get banned, in order to mark everyone using the real toxins as traitors is going too far; that would be punishing everyone instead of simply telling people to not jump on conclusions and be sensible human beings

i mean come on what the fuck in that situation, if I saw some dude making real mixes in toxins, I'd just watch him closely and passively deter him from making a real bomb, instead of shouting "OMG TRATTOR, HE MEK BOMB IN TOXANS"

also I know you understood me so I shall not deblaterate any further you all get the point

and of course my point is moot because on ss13, we are all tryhard jerks so whatever

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