HOS Application: Thestabman/Kelvin Shaw
Usual Character Name: Kelvin Shaw
BYOND Username:Thestabman
Recommended by (if applicable):No one cares about me frown
Times Available: Week Days: 5:30pm-8:00pm Weekends: Any time I feel

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): I usually play on the low populated US servers and there is general a lack of people to robust rude traitors going around bowling people butcher knifing them and being really annoying. So I would like to be the HoS to stop these fools from destroying the station and its people. Plus being HoS would be a new job for me thus possibly bringing new gameplay to me. Ive recently taken a long break from goonstation and now that ive taken some time to get used to the lag and explosions and Rockets to my face I am ready to face the ugly beast again!

Security Experience (300 word minimum): I have always been a big fan of the Chain smoker, twicthing, trigger happy, drunk detective going around with my thermals busting stupid Changelings and Devious Traitors. Ive also learned that going around busting traitors for peity crimes they did on accident is dumb and just turns the round into one of those baystation rounds. Here is a list of the things I do to certain antagonists.

Traitor: Depends on what he is doing when I catch him

Changelings: Changelings are overpowered asshole who need terminated before they can turn into an abomination

Vampires: Vampires are an antagonist you need to catch early or you're screwed so catching them feeding is most likely going to be a death sentence from me

Nuke ops: Kill on sight

Wizard: Depends on what hes doing and what hes done

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc): The automatic floor flushing is a great asset but not practical because giving back confiscated items like a tool belt or a legal heavy object you have to be there to give them there things. Besides that everthing else is fine how they stand.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was job banned from command Posistions including AI Cyborg and Security for not following a law. It was my first time as AI

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