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Mafia Gamemode
Zadeon Wrote:The idea is great, but what you have down would be just another round of spy with only one spy master. What I'm saying is that they would just go straight and kill the heads after getting a team set up and ignore the objectives.

How you can fix this is give the spy-master a one or two use implanted and a low amount of telecrystals. If they want to get more crystals or more implant uses then they need to complete their objectives first instead of going strait for the heads. I also think that it shouldn't announce to the whole crew there's a spy on-board the station and instead just a vague message on the intel-report thingy that's printed off at the beginning of the round.

Now that I think about it this is almost like rev, but the objectives do set back the time a bit for the spy master to create a team. Some other suggestions would be great also.

What i really want to do is to have the spy team have NO telecrystals that why they don't have to do the objectives but getting that one random item or a second spy-head so you don't lose if your first dies would be pretty useful...

How about this.....The spyhead/rev has one mindslave injector that last forever(Intill taken out) with the goal to kill the heads and security. He and his new mindslave then have 15 minutes to do the objectives to gain the points to do stuff before the heads get a private pda message and begin to strike back and start using the budget(This results in a secondary objective for the spy to sabatoge the budget and stop the station from making money if he wants less problems) to slowly find out who the rev-head is.The spy can use his points to buy a random syndicate spy tool/weapon, A pinpointer that points to the heads and security,The ablity to upgrade a mindsalve to a spy-head(Who has a seperate things of objectives and points),And a one use mindslave that last forever.The heads get what i suggested above.

This results in a arm race as the spys try to do their objectives to gain tools and more mindslaves/a new person to generate points while the heads try to get the normal crew to earn them money while trying to figure out who the revs are.

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